What is the time commitment for the AFROTC program? Will I be able to pursue other extracurricular activities?
One of the unique things about AFROTC is that it is what you make of it. However, at the minimum, cadets in their first year must attend two hours of physical training, 1.5 hours of military training, and one hour of ROTC class per week. Cadets should also expect to dedicate some time outside of official hours for preparation and additional training opportunities.
The great aspect of this schedule is that it leaves substantial time for other extracurricular activities. Cadets at Det 009 are encouraged to get involved in other groups outside of AFROTC and pursue a normal college life in addition to their military commitments. It comes down to the fact that cadets are “students first,” and while AFROTC is a time commitment, it is not a commitment that should take over the entirety of a cadet’s college experience.
Can I be in varsity sports or athletics as a cadet?
Yes! Varsity athletes have been consistently welcomed and successful in Det 009. If a conflict arises with physical training, varsity athletes may be granted excused absences and can work with Det 009 cadre for necessary accommodations.
Will I have to wear a uniform to class?
Cadets are required to wear a designated uniform to physical training and ROTC class/Leadership Lab. On Thursday, cadets must wear their uniform for the duration of the business day.
What types of scholarships are there?
There are high school and in college scholarship opportunities – students who join after starting college may be eligible for a two or three year scholarship. For more information on scholarships, please visit: https://www.afrotc.com/scholarships/high-school/types/. A summary of scholarship types may also be found below:
Scholarship recipients are also authorized an annual textbook allowance and a monthly stipend. For current stipend amounts, please visit https://www.afrotc.com or contact the Det 009 recruiting office.
Can I join the Space Force through AFROTC?
Yes , students may compete for the HSSP-SF scholarship if they are pursuing a career in the US Space Force. This scholarship will consist of the same types as available through HSSP (Air Force). Scholarship awards will be either in the technical or non-technical categories.
What are the timelines for scholarships?
The main scholarship is the High School Scholarship Program, open from July to January of a high school student’s senior year. The first scholarship board meets in October. It is recommended that you apply as early as possible and ensure ample time to complete your application to account for delays. Key dates for AY22-23 can be found below:
Is there any commitment when I join the program?
Not at first – students (especially in their first year) have tried out AFROTC for a semester or two and ended up withdrawing from the program for personal reasons. Cadets on scholarship are committed to the program upon the start of their second year, and after contracting (after Field Training) for cadets not on scholarship.
Cadets who complete the program and commission are committed to the Air Force for four years (ten if they decide to be a pilot, six for combat system officer, air battle manager, or remotely piloted aircraft (RPA) operator). For more information on these careers, visit our Careers page.
Why should I join Air Force ROTC?
AFROTC provides an abundance of exciting opportunities that will enhance your college experience, along with the ability to enter a rewarding military career. You will be given the chance to develop relationships and grow with fellow cadets who have similar interests and goals, and the same motivation to serve.
AFROTC provides many options for summer experiences. Det 009 cadets have been able to participate in everything from flight school, to base visits along with research programs or internships under high-ranking Air Force officers. Through these experiences and those occurring during the school year, AFROTC will also strengthen your leadership ability – a highly desireable skill whether you remain in the military or go into the civilian work force. In addition, networking is always important, and AFROTC helps its cadets establish connections that will help propel them forward in their military careers.